Metal Data Solid Culture
information and its protection as a medium of art
Contemporary culture strongly binds information with the technological medium through storage and distribution platforms. Information is thus mostly contained in an electronic context, which is by its nature always temporary and continually needs maintenance and renewal. Furthermore the technical infrastructure is often private property. Culture, however, cannot last and develop without information continuation. It needs the possibility of building new forms on existing information and the possibility of storing information for the future, without censorship, evaluation, tailoring to current conditions.

In this course we will tackle physicality in the era of digital reproduction and technologies as part of these technologies, not their opposite or past. We will discuss the role of information in culture, the independence of information (freeing it from its electronic context), the importance of its transmission and storage.

We will experiment with art as a method of dealing with information/data. Thus the participants will develop a shared experience of experimenting with advanced technology in a cultural context, a collective consciousness enriched by the exchange of knowledge and experience.

Finally we will use an advanced metal printing process to create objects and artworks that use information as a medium. Therefore participants will learn how to describe objects in code for the use of advanced 3D printing in metal (LPBF). They will get to know a practical workflow to work with data intended for printing in metal using publicly available resources and in public domain, using open licenses and considerable demand for computing power.

They will then develop their own protocols for processing information into physical objects prepared by themselves and depending on individual preferences and own artistic approach.


  • introduction: looking at a work of art as an expression of an information system — from the point of view of art history, theory and practice
  • introduction to the generative/procedural creation of computer models for the use of advanced 3D printing in metal (LPBF).
  • Mastering a practical workflow to work with data intended for printing in metal

Requirements for Course B

  • The workshop invites people with different backgrounds and skills to participate,
  • Previous experience and a basic knowledge in computer programming (especially Processing) are helpful.
  • Interest in the use of generative and parametric techniques