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A comprehensive Review | Summer School starts
With a 5-day kick-off, the FUNKEN ACADEMY European Summer School has officially begun from 17.07. - 21.07.23. It promises to be an exciting and innovative journey for 30 European artists.

For the next four months, these 30 talented individuals will collaborate under the guidance of three mentors to research, develop, and exchange ideas with scientists from prestigious Fraunhofer Institutes. The overarching goal of this unique initiative is to become innovation catalysts, fostering a seamless exchange between arts, culture, science, and high-tech. The ultimate aim is to create a valuable learning experience for all involved, culminating in the filtering and exhibition of the outcomes at prestigious events like Ars Electronica & WRO.

(De) Während der Auftaktveranstaltung hielt Jurij Krpan von der slowenischen Kunst- und Wissenschaftseinrichtung BioTehna der Kapelica Galerie eine inspirierende Grundsatzrede, in der er die Rolle der Teilnehmer:innen als Katalysatoren im gesellschaftlichen Innovationsprozess hervorhob. Solche Katalysatoren können die Bereiche Kunst, Kultur, Wissenschaft und Technologie in für einen Moment in Einklang bringen und neue Verbindungen schaffen, die das Potenzial haben, die Grenzen der Kreativität zu erweitern und die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit zu fördern.

At the inception of the program, the participating artists were introduced to the basics, procedures, tools, machinery, materials, and facilities provided by their esteemed research partners. These resources are the stepping stones that will propel them towards groundbreaking artistic research and development in their chosen areas.

At the inception of the program, the participating artists were introduced to the basics, procedures, tools, machinery, materials, and facilities provided by their esteemed research partners. These resources are the stepping stones that will propel them towards groundbreaking artistic research and development in their chosen areas.

Shaping the Invisible: Folding of DNA Strands and Rendering Structures in Nano Scale

Mentored by Carolin Liebl & Nikolas Schmid-Pfähler, this captivating project explores the intricate world of DNA folding and nano-scale structures. Located at the Centre for Microtechnologies of the TU Chemnitz/Fraunhofer ENAS/Chemnitz, the participants will delve into the fusion of art and cutting-edge scientific techniques.

Metal Data Solid Culture – Information and its Protection as a Medium of Art

Under the mentorship of PAWEL JANICKI at FRAUNHOFER IWU, this project delves into the fascinating realm of information protection and its artistic expression. The artists will explore how data and metal converge to create thought-provoking works that challenge our perceptions of information and its preservation.

INTERSPACE: Co-Creation with Fungi

Mentored by NOOR STENFERT KROESE at FRAUNHOFER IWU, this project takes a daring leap into the world of co-creation with fungi. The artists will explore the symbiotic relationship between humans and fungi, creating art that reflects the profound connections that exist between the natural world and our own.

With the kick-off, the foundations have been laid for the individual artistic projects. The coming weeks promise many discoveries. We will keep you up to date.