IF/THEN Programmierbare Materialien
Can a shape-memory polymer function as an artificial larynx and be applied in sound-creation? Can programmable materials lend character to everyday objects? What if a household gadget running low on battery would communicate this by slumping in exhaustion? Which structures and characteristics derived from nature can be used in the development of new materials? And which philosophical questions arise in the process of creating artificial forms of nature?
In cooperation with the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Programmable Materials artists and designers are invited to investigate the novel programmable materials in a course by Prof. Dr. Johanna Schmeer. Through the cooperation with the institute, the participants gain access to new materials, which are not yet available on the market.
Following a Kick-Off event in Chemnitz and Dresden from 04th of October till 06th of October 2021 are followed by regular consultations (remote).